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Select Board Meeting Minutes 6/29/15
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 6/29/15

Meeting Opened at: 4:15pm
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Kenn Basler and Steve Weisz

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:   Stanley Ross, Bill Johnson, Gareth Backhaus, Don Clawson, Maria Rundle, Larry Klein, Michael Germain and Monica Webb  

The board met the Finance Committee to review the following:
1.  FY16 capital planning:
a.  The payments and length of loans for the new transfer station and the new truck are still unknown.
b.  The Finance Committee feels that the missing link right now in our planning is the stabilization fund; they see it as a level funding tool for capital projects rather than a savings account.  They believe that beginning with the FY17 budget we should plan to put $100,000 in stabilization and increase that by $50,000 for each year up to $200,000 and then continue that amount.
c.  Discussion ensued about the WiredWest bond and how this will affect the town and whether or not the Town should entertain proposals from other companies that may only be able to offer 80% coverage of the town at no cost and then the Town pay for the remaining 20% coverage which would still be less than what WiredWest is looking for.
d.  Necessary override for FY17: It was agreed that we should look for an override that will cover at least the next 10 years estimated to be about $700-900k.
e.  Some members of the Finance Committee felt that any capital/long range planning/recurring purchases under $50,000 should be paid for from free cash or stabilization rather than borrowing.
f.  The Board will continue to routinely meet with the Finance Committee to update and review these figures.
g.  The Committee inquired if a solution to payroll has been found.  It was noted that a contract has been signed with Harper’s payroll and that the first payroll through them is scheduled for August 5th.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Maria Rundle came in to see if she could offer any assistance with the statement the school is looking to have signed and put out jointly.  The Monterey teacher has transferred to New Marlborough and the children that would’ve been in the kindergarten program for the upcoming year are following her leaving only 3 children that are pre-k and ineligible to attend the program there as it is not currently fiscally viable.  The current administration is looking at new ways to keep all the programs in our district operating while suspending the Monterey program for 1 year (2015-16).  The issue right now is that Monterey doesn’t currently have a teacher to promote a program.  The district will be looking at ways to promote an early childhood program for the following year in Monterey.  Scott was vehemently opposed to signing any statement and feels that allowing the Monterey teacher to go to New Marlborough was planned and that the Monterey School will never again see a child walk through its doors.  Maria noted that there are members of the district and the School Committee that while they may not agree with having a program in Monterey do not want to close the Monterey School and damage the continued support and relationship that has been built with Monterey which is why they are only suspending the program and looking at other options to continue a program in Monterey.  Kenn stated that this district has let us down numerous times over the years and the support just hasn’t been there for Monterey, that said more than 50% of Monterey’s children choice out to another district.  He agrees that there isn’t any justification in keeping the school open for 3 children and that over the next year the key will be to work with the district to create a new program that isn’t geared only toward Monterey but rather to the district.  The consensus was that if the statement is signed and released it needs to contain the conditions to move forward.
2.  Michael Germain came in to discuss:
a.  Montereyfest: Michael was looking to see if they could get a waiver for the Special Event/Theatrical permit fee that is new this year.  A motion was made to waive the fee for this permit as this event is not theatrical in nature and will not have live music or alcohol which was seconded and unanimously approved.
b.  Weed mitigation update: the divers are stating that the area is actually 10 acres instead of the 1 acre planned for.  They are making good progress on the original patch.  Michael asked that any questions about the progress be referred to him as there has been some incorrect information floating around.
c.  Boat ramp monitor letter: Mike was following up on a draft letter he provided the Board last month to be sent to DCR looking for assistance at Lake Garfield.  The Board will work on this.
d.  Senior tax abatement program – boat ramp monitor: Michael has spoken with the Parks Department and he doesn’t believe they have any objections.  The Board agreed that this would be a good use of this program and if the Parks Commission agrees to it at their meeting on Wed a job description can be put up on the website on in the weekly email from town hall.
e.  Michael is hoping to hear back on the grant we applied for and will keep the Board updated.
3.  Larry Klein and Monica Webb came in to inquire about whether or not the Town would be allowing WiredWest to apply for the $5,000 MBI grant that is available for planning.  If the Town gives it to WiredWest they will be using it for the legal work for the formation of the new co-op which will consist of the towns that will be contributing financially to the build-out as well as to perform some financial due diligence.  Monterey is one of 14 towns that have passed the 40% criteria; the towns with the highest subscription numbers will be built out first by region.  Tyringham, Sandisfield and Egremont have all gone over 40% and are within our region.  Monica estimates that the first towns to come online will be within 2 years and Monterey may be closer to 3.  Kenn sees this grant as an opportunity to hire someone to weigh proposals being submitted to the town to build out other than WiredWest.  Monica explained that the private sector model versus the WiredWest model doesn’t have revenues coming back to the Town and the WiredWest model is for the citizens where the private sector is looking out for the company.  Larry also wanted it noted that the Town voted for WiredWest not a private company.  WiredWest will not be asking the Town for any more funds above and beyond what has already been allocated.  A motion was made to sign the grant over to WiredWest.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.  The authorization page was signed.  It was also noted that the Town will be moving forward with WiredWest and will not be looking at any other options available.
4.  Transfer Station:
a.  Credit card payment system update: Steve stated that the easiest way to set up a standardized system for payments under $100 is to use a system like Square.  Don Clawson is verifying with the state whether or not a line item can be created without a town meeting vote which would be for subsidizing the credit card fees imposed through the tax base rather than passing them on to the person paying.  A system should be set up by August 1st.
b.  If someone does pay for the one time use fee for $10, they will be given a receipt with the license plate number on it which can be brought to town hall and applied toward the purchase of the yearly stickers.
c.  The attendants will be informed that they cannot smoke while on duty and assisting residents or while near the bins.
5.  Time off planning (elected and appointed employees):  There is concern about elected officials taking time off and not making other arrangements for their offices to be covered.  The SB minutes from 6/30/14 were reviewed which stated that when this issue arose last year the Accountant and Treasurer were made aware that they are part time employees (whether elected or appointed) and that they do not receive benefits and when time off is taken their offices need to be covered and that coverage will be paid directly from the Treasurer or Accountant’s salary line item.  The Treasurer will be taking 3+ weeks off in July and has not yet responded to Scott’s inquiries of who will be covering her office.  With regards to the Town Clerk’s office Steve will speak to Jen about letting the Board know when she will be unable to open on a Saturday and if her assistant is unable to cover her then a Select Board member will man the office and sell dump stickers.
6.  There were questions about the Clerk’s Assistant; Kenn stated that this line item was created to hire someone with Clerk experience to help train and that the person in the Assistant position should be covering the office when the Clerk is unable to be there for her posted hours.  
7.  The Police Chief submitted copies of his yearly contract to be renewed; Kenn will review it first and the Board will discuss it as a whole at next week’s meeting.
8.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
9.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
10.  Warrants were signed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:58pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk